
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Ep. 51 - The Death of Configuration Management with Rob Hirschfeld (@zehicle)
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Find out why we are calling for the death of configuration management in this very informative and important chat with Rob Hirschfeld. The shift in thinking about infrastructure at all layers is changing the way we do Ops...for good reason.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
This fun chat expands on what we started talking about in episode 42 (http://podcast.discoposse.com/e/ep-42-spiraling-ops-debt-sre-solutions-and-rackn-chat-with-rob-hirschfeld-zehicle/) as we dive into the challenges and potential solutions for thinking and acting with the SRE approach. Big thansk to Rob Hirschfeld from @RackN for sharing his thoughts and experiences from the field on this very exciting subject.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Join this exciting chat with Madhura Maskasky as we discuss the recent news from Platform9 as well as the challenges that are solved by delivering open source solutions as a service and what the next challenges are for today's evolving enterprise IT organizations.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Ep. 48 - Bad Travel, 10X performers, and the Technology Domestique
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Tuesday Jun 20, 2017
Join me for a bit of a personal story about a terrible travel day that gave me some good thoughts about the challenges of the 10X engineer. This also introduces something which i've called the Technology Domestique. Hope you enjoy the story!

Friday May 19, 2017
Friday May 19, 2017
Join us as we continue our conversation with Randy Shoup with a focus on the people and process side of building out successful development and product teams. Randy shares tips and proven techniques that have helped him to build and support successfuly distributed teams, and to reach goals that many of the product developers and product managers have been hoping to get to as we move further in the evolution of the technology ecosystem.

Friday May 12, 2017
Friday May 12, 2017
Randy Shoup joins the GCOD for a very informative and candid chat on development velocity, the DevOps goal, finding traction, and how he has led teams to success with a variety of products and platforms.
Randy is working on some very intereseting things at StitchFix, and brings a storied career and set of experiences to the conversation. Big thanks to Randy for sharing what could be some of the best tips to finding success with higher velocity of development including some of the tools and techniques that will help us all get there.

Thursday May 04, 2017
Thursday May 04, 2017
We bring back Angelo Luciani to talk about the product and process approach to building out IT communities and influencer programs. With all of the ways available to host an IT community, what should community leaders be looking at to help bring their community together both online and in-person.

Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Ep. 44 - 128 Technology and the SDN Challenge with Patrick Melampy (@pmelampy)
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Thursday Apr 27, 2017
Patrick Melampy of 128 Technology joins us for a chat to discuss the challenges in the world of traditional networking. We go over the 128 Technology solution and why it is an interesting method to solve SDN challenges. Thanks to Patrick for taking the time to review their solution with us and how SDN in general is becoming the next important battleground for both networking customers and vendors.

Friday Mar 03, 2017
Friday Mar 03, 2017
Richard Arnold joins us for this informative chat on the process he recently went through with replatforming his personal blog and rebranding across social media platforms. You won't want to miss a bit of htis one as it really helps to pull together the key steps you should be thinking about as you look at bringing your personal brand into a new name and blog platform. Check out Richard's fresh new site at http://d8tadude.com and make sure to listen in to this great conversation.

Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
If you only read one blog this week, this is the one you should start with: https://robhirschfeld.com/2017/01/17/spiraling-ops-debt-the-sre-coding-imperative/
We chat with Rob Hirschfeld (@zehicle) on the subject of spiraling operations debt and the SRE coding imperative, plus how he and the RackN team are helping to solve some of those challenges.

Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Have you ever wondered how a VCDX or a CCIE holds down a full time role and also an aggressive learning plan? This informative episode will share tips on how to learn tough topics quicky, and how to embrace a learning plan that will lead to personal and professional advancement. We each share our personal learning styles and tips which will give you ideas on how to map learning to your personality.

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Ep. 40 - HashiCorp and DevOps Defined with @armon of @HashiCorp
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Join this exciting chat with Armon Dadgar, co-founder of HashiCorp, as we look at how to define DevOps in terms of where you and your organization are in the evolution. This is also where you learn key tips on how to approach evolving yourself and your team to be able to begin embracing a DevOps approach to IT. Also, some news about an important upcoming webinar!

Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Join us as we have a great chat with HashiCorp founder, Mitchell Hashimoto. This is a good opportunity to become familiar with the various products in the HashiCorp ecosystem and to learn the importance of composable infrastructure and how HashiCorp products have come to be as a result of this.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
As we shift our focus in the industry to what's next, the decision for us as techologists is to finding our footing in both the past and the future. My thoughts on some of the AWS re:Invent conference and our evolution as architects should plant some seeds on how to build your path towards embracing public cloud in your IT portfolio.

Friday Oct 21, 2016
Ep. 37 - All about Containers with Phil Estes (@estesp)
Friday Oct 21, 2016
Friday Oct 21, 2016
This dynamic chat takes us through the rise of containers, some big things happening in the ecosystem around containers, and also the reasons why this shift is occurring. Phil Estes joins us to talk about his experiences in the container community and brings some very interesting insight into why we should all be digging into Docker and the like.

Friday Oct 14, 2016
Friday Oct 14, 2016
In a fun and informative chat with Craig Waters (@cswaters1), we talk about the value of community as a learning platform, the rise of the generalist, and much more on how you can take your career to the next level with some simple steps that Craig, and others, have proven out.

Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Ep. 35 - Unikernels: The what, why, and when chat with Ian Eyberg of @deferpanic
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
Saturday Oct 08, 2016
What's the deal with unikernels?! We had Ian Eyberg of Defer Panic join us to talk about what a unikernel is, why it's an important part of the overall IT strategy, and when you should or should not use them. A great end-to-end discussion that will also open your eyes to new ways of doing some interesting things!

Friday Sep 30, 2016
Ep. 34 - Containers, IT Evolution and more with Brian Gracely (@bgracely)
Friday Sep 30, 2016
Friday Sep 30, 2016
In a great conversation with Brian Gracely (@bgracely), we talk about moving up the stack, the Cloudcast podcast, the evolution of IT, and much more.
Our conversation tackles the very important topic of measuring technology like containers in it's placement on the hype cycle, and where the adoption of next-generation technologies are working in real use-cases. Brian provides very specific and real examples of why cloud, containers and other technologies are beginning to really drive a lot of innovation in business.

Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
With the OpenStack Summit coming up in Barcelona, and the Newton release of OpenStack coming in October, we take some time out to chat with Shamail Tahir (@ShamailXD). Shamail has had a lot of involvement at many levels with the OpenStack community, and is part of the team that has put together the new AUC (Active User Contributor) Recognition program.
We talk about some features that are exciting in the Newton release, the changing of the process for the design summit, and much more on the overall OpenStack technical and user community. Thanks to Shamail for a great chat!
AUC Program link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/AUCRecognition

Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Following on our rebranding chat with Edward Haletky, this episode covers some very powerful tips on Wordpress with regards to rebranding, site speed, plugins, security, and much more. Thank you to Edward for a dynamic chat with some key tips that every Wordpress site owner should know.